Now I've gone and done it...installed a cd player in my bottom-of-the-line Mitsubishi.
Does this mean I've become the latest adherent to the doctrine of Consumerism? No, but it might save the rest of the drivers on the road from the alarming sight of me juggling a cd player and transformer, impatient to hear the next chapter in the hours-long thriller I've been listening to on my epic road trips... The guys at the stereo shop were pretty cool. "We're installing a cd player for you? Do you own it?" "The car? Yes" "The CD player." "You're selling me one." "What do you drive?" "A Mitsubishi Mirage" "Any idea what you want?" "Something which plays CD's and isn't very expensive. If I got something nicer I'd be better off upgrading the car." This after the owner whacks the guy who made my appointment upside the head. "Why didn't you tell me we were out of the basic models?" So I came away with a not-so-basic model for the same price, grinning and covered in dog drool(The owner has a Staffordshire Terrier who dances round the shop--he's an 18 month old puppy, all sleek muscles and ecstatic puppy kisses, and beautiful manners. When I offered him a treat, he very gently engulfed most of my hand, and then washed my face for a "Thank You". My new CD player really outclasses the rest of the car, with its pretty violet and red lights, and a fancy digital readout, and I'm getting an education on the preferred Harrisburg Hip radio station. I haven't figured out how to change the stations (the instruction manual is the size of a small novel, written in 0.25 point type--besides, it makes me smile every time I remember the puppy and the very cool shop owner.)
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