Saturday, February 03, 2007

Cleaning Spree!

Its a Beauuutiful, sunny morning here in Central PA. Good, because the sun feels fabulous on my face, and all the plants are growing aggressively. My indoor plants, that is_ It FINALLY got cold enough here that the outside ones are in winter mode--and it IS cold! I wheedled one of my housemates into taking a walk before she sets off on her adventure today, and for awhile there, my ears were complaining. Time to find the earmuffs? Probably. I decided though, that if I walked fast enough, I would get hot, and my ears would be OK. So I took off like a bat. Bless her heart, she kept up gamely till we were about halfway up the hill. About the time I decided I was getting comfortably warm, she gently pointed out that she might not make it to the top of the hill with me. We started joking about scenarios for losing housemates/fellow hikers and were giggling so hard we were both gasping by the time we made it. We did greet one other enterprising soul, and encountered a taxi driver with Things To Do and Places To Go who was aggravated that he had to share this quiet residential street with two pedestrians( the sidewalk was liberally covered in black ice and it was safer to walk in the street) He blew his horn as he drove by, which made me think of Boston, and the cabdrivers there. Horns are a form of self-expression in Boston, and people look at you suspiciously if you don't use yours. In Alabama, on the other hand, they're reserved for when things get serious. Quote from my lovely friend Monica "I was SURE I was going to DIE on the drive from the airport!" "Oh, that's why you had the death-grip on the door...--No, that's just Boston. The only reason more accidents here aren't fatal is that the streets are so short and crowded that the really bad drivers can't get up a decent momentum." Back to Central PA and that Beauuuutiful sunny morning: The bad part about beauuutiful sunny mornings is they reveal life in brilliant detail. The Dust Bunnies are Organizing. Pretty soon they'll want Equal Rights. I think I see a union boss headed this way. Time to get out the vacuum cleaner...