Friday, February 02, 2007


Another reality check from the Powers that Be...Today is my day off. I actually have a whole two days off--from both jobs, which was a Good Thing. I've been feeling very stressed, and rather savage, and I was intent on Avoiding People today. As I was sitting at the computer catching up on business, correspondence, etc. though, the Voice in my head said, "Go To The Library". "No! I am Hermiting!!!" Fine. another 10 minutes go by, and "GO TO THE LIBRARY!!!" "I said I was Hermiting!" another 10 minutes, I've almost finished the really pressing stuf, and "DO IT NOW" "You're not going to shut up, are you???" I got dressed, (its snowing, by the way), collected my books, and drove to the library. Just as I parked, a very little old lady gets out of the land yacht next to me and starts trying to open the hood. Car trouble. We got it sorted out, she went on her way, and I thank the Powers that Be for reminding me to Listen.