A Matter of Perspective...
So many factors influence communication, and mis-communication. Sometimes I find it absolutely amazing that it happens. Much of it happens by way of subtle, non-verbal cues, and the results are filtered through each person's previous experiences. I've spent some time recently thinking about the way men and women communicate with each other, and the factors that influence it--and indulging in a little creative writing...
"Tell me a tale, My Beloved, of villains vanquished, and great obstacles overcome, of heroism and treachery, of just rewards, and justice rewarded, of strength, and wisdom, and beauty. A tale to set hearts aflutter, and passions aflame, and..." Here she stopped speaking, and heaving a deep sigh, leaned forward expectantly. Our Hero, a gentleman to the tips of his well-polished loafers, valiantly tried to maintain eye contact, though the effort of ignoring the straining buttons marching up the front of her bodice caused a light sweat to break out on his forehead. A glazed, slightly panicked look crossed his face while he searched for inspiration, and then, with a glint of humor he said, "Ah, ...yes... The Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression..."
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