Note to self: Wearing "sensual and inviting" perfume, when one wants to bite something, sends mixed signals.--unless, of course, one is a carnivorous plant, in which case I'd guess its a successful strategy.
I woke up this morning feeling unsociable.
The birds were too loud, the sun was too bright, the weather was too nice, and I was due at the DIY emporium.
What to do...suck it up and go, reminding myself that I like playing in Outside Lawn and Garden, and that I invariably have a good time.
So I rolled out of bed, and tripped over the cat.
I staggered down to the kitchen and prepared his breakfast, commenting irritably that someone his age really should have learned how to use the can opener.
Calvin The Paw graciously overlooked the surly mood. He is the consumnate gentleman when he's getting his own way, and licked me on the ankle by way of encouragement.
Licked me!
I beat a hasty retreat to the shower, where, with the aid of LOTS of hot water, I regained some of my composure.
...Peering round the bathroom door, I determined Calvin was nowhere in sight, and scurried to my bedroom, where I ducked inside and shut the door.
Safe!--and I didn't get Licked again!
Grabbing the first clean clothes to hand,(it doesn't matter what I wear; they'll be filthy in no time), and running on autopilot, I was dressed and halfway to work before the scent of the perfume I'd chosen to wear registered.
Normally its one of my favorites. It's a lovely warm fragrance, with notes of iris and patchouli.
This morning I felt like I was sitting next to a stranger.
"Aww, hell, its way too late to go wash it off!" So I drove on with the windows down, grateful that I'd be outside all day.
On arrival, the very first customer I encountered commented on my perfume, noting how well it went with all the glorious spring flowers.
You know; its hard to be surly in the face of such a nice compliment!
I had a great day, and the perfume?
--smells just fine mixed with dirt and sweat.
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