As roadtrips go, it was a modest effort...Pt II
Waking to sunshine in St Augustine...
It really was a perfect morning for an adventure, and this, was why I was in St. Augustine--at least part of it.'ve been searching for something for awhile now in that back-of-the-brain way--the kind of "knowing" that I can't really articulate until I'm right in the middle of it, and then... "This is It". Its exactly how I ended up volunteering on an island 70 miles west of Key West...This One. I love the place, and the way of life. Intense socialization followed by equally intense isolation, suits me in a way no other place I've spent time does. I love waking up in the pre-dawn, knowing the only real constant is that I'm on an island, and the rest of the day is likely to bring some sort of adventure. When I'm not there, I miss the place, horribly. Not being financially independent, and having some few obligations I have to meet, a permanent transition to the island is unlikely. I've been trying to figure out just which need the island meets for me, and if there's a way to meet them elsewhere. I like the NPS personnel--at least the ones I know well, a lot. They're very cool people on the whole, and not terribly judgmental. They're creative, and outgoing, and at the same time, they respect my privacy. A number of them have "stories", and they're more than willing to wait and let me tell mine in my own time--or not. Historic places are good. I've been fascinated by history since I was very small--the people side of history, not so much battles and important dates though, as what made history. All the people, and their motivations. The stories they could tell, how they lived their lives, and the universal concerns through the ages. What goes into making up a civilization. I'm interested in communication. Its so much more than words, delivered with(or without) intent. Most communication is completely non-verbal. Body language. Appearance. Scent. One of my dearest friends told me that the main difference between "good looking" and "beautiful" was how much time the person was willing to spend in front of a mirror. He preferred hanging out with the good-looking ones, because the beautiful ones were by and large completely self-absorbed. Some degree of community awareness is good. Enough people that the chances of meeting ones of like mind, with self-respect and a genuine sense of humor goes up. The "like mind" part is very important. I like people, a lot. However, there's considerably more effort in "making a connection" with those NOT of like mind,--and consequently the effort needed to maintain that connection can be significant. There are days I'm just entirely too selfish and lazy to want to make that kind of effort. There are days I'm more than willing to let the majority of the world do its own thing, and not participate at all. I have my own myriad passions and hobbies, and it would be wonderful to share that atmosphere of creativity with other people who also feel compelled to create. The closest I've ever come to that was my stint working in the Boston Ballet costume shop. "I looked up one day from re-creating the Lilac Fairy's tiara and commented "I've spent most of my professional life working in an environment where I'm the ONLY one with these kinds of interests; here, EVERYONE does stuff like this. Its wonderful!" "One of the drapers looked up and commented, "and here you're EXPECTED to create!" So I also want to be part of an artist's community. I want someplace that enough unusual things happen that being one of "those women who talks to the creatures" isn't too remarkable. I love seeing wildlife everywhere, and I love that by and large, its completely unafraid of me. I love gardening for the peace that touching the earth, and making things grow brings to me. I love creating a space that's so welcoming the little people adopt it as their own. I'm looking for a place to call home, and St. Augustine is on the short list.