Thoughts on Entitlement...
So lately it seems I've been doing a study on "Entitlement"--or is that just my reaction to the "entitled" folks? Probably the latter. Their parents, and maybe even their grandparents, contributed to the development of that gem and mainstay of modern society, the "entitled" person. I've heard the theories; the bottom line is, the results aren't pretty. I am all for people having the best possible lifestyle--whatever that means to them individually, but does that really mean they must make other people feel bad to reach that personal pinnacle of achievement?
Manners, folks, manners are key. Not only do they demonstrate a certain standard of good breeding(by this I mean nurture), but they're a far more effective world currency than any of the various countries individual currencies.--and they go a lot farther. A list I follow was recently having a discussion about the "Ugly American" world traveler. I stayed out of that one, but I will comment that the good 'ol USA doesn't have the market cornered. In the course of my current job, I encounter many foreign nationals who also have appalling manners. Which is where I'm formulating my theory about "Entitlement". It might, just possibly, be that pandemic so many people speculate about--and its already here, and its already happening. How effective will quarantines be in the face of "The Rules Don't Apply To ME." Back to manners. There's a reason for manners. It helps to know that all manners are not the same for all cultures, and that something which is polite in one setting is seen as crass in another. Don't assume, and Keep an Open Mind. I, for instance, have never gotten used to that utterly masculine expression of appreciation known as "grabbing ass". My first reaction used to be violent--and there were a couple of black eyes. I was mortified, and the poor guy, well...he felt justifiably abused. I finally asked one of them, "so how would you feel if I did that to you?" I got a considering look, and a Big Grin, and "Pretty Good!" So yeah, it helps to know the local manners if you want to get along, and exist (semi) peacefully. People who teach their children, "if you want something, demand till you get it" aren't doing them a favor. Real bargaining is an art form, high entertainment when its practised properly, and everyone profits. People who bulldoze instead of bargain may find in the future that the shop is closed, and the goods simply aren't available. In my current job, I'm learning the value of the HOLD button. The hold music is rather(REALLY) awful, so I try not to do it unless the client is being intolerable; I'd rather chat while I fix their issues. (After all, one of the main benefits of our admittedly pricey merchandise is that if you need help, you don't have to talk to a computer.) Finally, there's the truly outstanding co-workers. Without their unique perspectives, and wacky senses of humor, I'd have told someone something appallingly honest by now. My education in dealing with Entitlement isn't painless. Most nights lately I have nightmares and need my bite guard, but I have a great group of teachers, and the co-worker who shares a cubicle wall tells me she has a lot of fun listening to me tell people, very politely, NO.