Today, it hurts to breathe. 6A.M. Wide awake, and ready to
bounce out of bed... Eyes widen, and outraged muscles protest.
"Maybe I'll rethink this..." Last night, I came home grinning hugely and covered in brick dust.
Judy took one look, and said "you've been driving the forklift again."
"Yeah, and it was great!!!, and we got soaked in the
downpour, and then I got to restack the pavers." LOTS of pavers.
To think I've been feeling guilty about not signing up at the lovely fitness center attached to my real job.
My part time job at a local DIY mecca is rounding out my life
in the most interesting ways.
Not only do I get to meet, and chat up, all kinds of fun people who are singlemindedly determined to relandscape the planet,
I get a more comprehensive workout than a personal trainer could ever devise.
Well, most personal trainers
I haven't felt this bad since I had a nasty
run-in with the Fitness Video From Hell on the island. "Burning Buns" or
something like that.
I spent the following week emitting stifled shrieks of pain every time I
had to move, especially whenever I had to go down stairs.
This was in a place where there are NO elevators, and stairs are a fact of life.
Going up stairs wasn't so bad, going down stairs, even the modest little four
inches or so from my quarters to the corridor was enough to make me see stars.
"Just keep moving. If you stop, you're toast."
That eventually wore off, and meanwhile caused some sympathetic merriment among
the staff.
This will wear off too...heh...I